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Sons of Orpheus—The Male Choir of Tucson

Tucson Ambassadors

Sons of Orpheus—The Male Choir of Tucson


Tucson’s Ambassadors of Song

by Tucson Mayor Robert E. Walkup
June 27, 2008

click to see full proclamation


Welcoming New Singers

Click here to download the poster

If you are interested in singing with us in the coming season, please contact Director Grayson Hirst at 520-809-5042.

All voices are welcome!

Look here for more information.

For prospective members, a simple, informal “audition” is used to assess voice quality and section placement.


Información en español sobre el coro
Information about the choir in Spanish

Our Next Engagements

Monday, April 21, 2025
7:00 P.M.

Sons of Orpheus 33rd Annual Gala Spring Concert
The concert will feature guest soloists and instrumentalists, and an eclectic mix showcasing a wide variety of male choral music.
Location: The Clubhouse at The Highlands at Dove Mountain, 4949 W. Heritage Club Blvd., Marana, 85653 (click for map).
Admission: $15. Call the front desk at 520-579-9574 to pay by credit card, or visit the Clubhouse office to pay by cash or check.
For more concert information, call Grayson Hirst at 520-809-5042.

Saturday, April 27, 2025
2:30 P.M.

Sons of Orpheus 33rd Annual Gala Spring Concert
The concert will feature guest soloists and instrumentalists, and an eclectic mix showcasing a wide variety of male choral music.
Music in the Valley, Valley Presbyterian Church, 2800 S. Camino del Sol, Green Valley , 85622 (click for map)
Admission: Free will donation at the door.
For more concert information, contact Grayson Hirst at 520-809-5042.

Sunday, April 28, 2025
2:00 P.M.

Sons of Orpheus 33rd Annual Gala Spring Concert
The concert will feature guest soloists and instrumentalists, and an eclectic mix showcasing a wide variety of male choral music.
Tickets: $15, available at the door. Students and children are free. Purchase tickets online here.
St. Cyril of Alexandria Church, Nicholson Hall, 4725 E. Pima St., Tucson, AZ 8712 (see map)
For more concert information, contact Grayson Hirst at 520-809-5042.


Click to play

The 3:10 to Yuma with Tenor Jim Hogan

The Anvil Chorus by Giuseppi Verdi

Ave Maria, by J. S. Bach and Charles Gounod, with soprano Lindsey McHugh and the Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus

December Rose, arranged by Tom Fettke and Thomas Grassi, with violinist Kai Skaggs

Mass at the Vatican, 2012, photo by Kathleen Schumpert

Mass at the Vatican, 2012
photo by Kathleen Schumpert

San Xavier with the Tucson Boys Chorus, 2012, photo by Gary Smyth

San Xavier with the Tucson Boys Chorus, 2012, photo by Gary Smyth

Holiday Concert fundraiser for the Tucson Food Bank, with the students of Arizona Schools for the Deaf and the Blind, 2011, photo by Gary Smyth

Holiday Concert fundraiser for the Tucson Food Bank, with the students of Arizona Schools for the Deaf and the Blind, 2011
photo by Gary Smyth

[White House]

Chinese New Year Festival with the Tucson Sino Choir, 2013

The Gazebo at Trail Dust Town, 2012, photo by Gary Smyth

The Gazebo at Trail Dust Town, 2012
photo by Gary Smyth

Tucson Estates with Del Pueblo Brass Quintet, 2011, photo by Alan McDonald

Tucson Estates with Del Pueblo Brass Quintet, 2011
photo by Alan McDonald

[White House]

The White House, 1998

[Director Grayson Hirst]

Director Grayson Hirst

[Baseball game]

Baseball & Patriotic

[Covered Wagon]

Cowboy & Western

[San Xavier Mission interior]

Christmas & Holiday
Sacred & Secular

[Russian Costume]

Music From
Around the World

[Llangollen, Wales]

The Welsh Eisteddfod

[Alta Pusteria, Italy]

Alta Pusteria, Italy


Leipzig, Germany

Click on pictures to enlarge

See our Gallery for more photos

Listen to music from our CDs with the streaming Flash audio player below.
Click on any of the tracks to start the player

or click here to stream the playlist to a music player on your computer instead,
such as Windows Media Player or Apple Quicktime.
You can also listen to individual clips on our CDs & Audio page.

The above player requires Adobe Flash Player Plugin version 7 or higher.
If you do not have Flash installed on your computer, you can download it here.

The Sons of Orpheus choir was founded in 1991 by the distinguished American tenor, Grayson Hirst. It is a not-for-profit, non-sectarian, non-affiliated, community-based choral organization comprised of men from all walks of life. Members include professional and amateur musicians, businessmen, retirees, scientists, scholars, students, engineers, teachers, and others.

Sons of Orpheus provides an opportunity for men to sing selections from the rich repertoire written for men’s voices. It parallels such other Tucson groups as choruses for boys, girls, women, and mixed voices.

Sons of Orpheus outside Mahler Hall, Dobbiaco, Italy
7th Annual Alta Pusteria Choir Festival, June 26, 2004

Photo by Gary Smyth

Our mailing address:
Sons of Orpheus
P.O. Box 31552
Tucson, AZ 85751-1552

Our phone:

Sons of Orpheus is a member of the Arizona Choral Arts Association and is supported in part by grants from
the Arts Foundation for Tucson and Southern Arizona funded by the City of Tucson and Pima County
and the Arizona Commission on the Arts with funding from the State of Arizona and the National Endowment for the Arts.
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Sons of Orpheus prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, color, creed, religion,
sex, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or associational preference
regarding choir and board membership, staff, volunteers, and guest musicians.


To send us comments or questions about Sons of Orpheus,
please use your email program to contact us using this address.

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visitors since February 10, 2007

Updated on March 19, 2025
©2023 Sons of Orpheus